chevron_right Q.Whom do I call if I have a question about my dues?
A. As a resident of Stonebridge you belong to 2 associations: the community association and a neighborhood association. If you have a question about your community dues, please contact Aaron Hawley at Select Community Management 734-663-1900 X233 or "Contact Us" Aaron Hawley. If you have a question about your neighborhood association dues, please contact your neighborhood president or your neighborhood association management company. Contact information for neighborhood Presidents can be found on the "About Us" page. Contact information for neighborhood association management companies is provided in the neighborhood information linked to the neighborhood names on "About Us."
chevron_rightQ. What to do if I notice a pot hole or a damaged concrete curb near my home?
A. Call the Select Management (663-1900, ext. 233) and report the problem. Or send Community Manager Aaron Hawley an e-mail by clicking on "Contact Us" and selecting Aaron Hawley from the drop-down box labeled "Send To."
chevron_rightQ. Why is it important to remove grass clippings, dead leaves and other debris along roadside curbs and street storm water drains?
A. Grass clippings, dead leaves, pine needles and cones will clog the storm water sewer pipes and diminish the water flow into our ponds. These clogged pipes may someday restrict the flow of rainwater, and small floods will develop along our roads, a particularly road damaging situation during winter months. If we all remove this kind of vegetation in front of our homes, we can reduce the number of clogged storm drains and allow the water to flow naturally and unimpeded. Ultimately, the community will spend less money to repair the roads and clean out clogged storm water drains.
New Ideas
chevron_rightQ. If I have a promising idea concerning how to improve my neighborhood and can get others nearby to support some kind of modest project, what financial resources are available to us?
A. There are two sources for modest levels of financial help. First, the Community Association has the Community Improvement Program. The Estates Association also has its own Neighborhood Improvement Program. Each program has its own set of guidelines and qualifying criteria. (Check them out. The Community Improvement Program is available for reading/printing on the "SCA Documents" page.) One or both may fit your project. It will take some organizational skill and effort to make promising ideas happen, but others have done it, and it can be done again.
chevron_rightQ. We have specific rules in our governing documents. Why did the SCA adopt some alternative policies.
A. Most of the rules are followed, but some of the rules (which were written over twenty years ago) have not aged well. For example, basketball hoops are forbidden, but that was before Stonebridge had so many young boys and girls. Today, Stonebridge is much more age-diverse, and parents want their children to play nearer their homes at least some of the time. Similarly, outside TV reception discs were also forbidden because years ago they were extremely large and ugly. Not so today. Finally, signs outside of the houses were originally banned, but now the SCA has adopted an alternative policy for them.
Thus the question arises: why not just amend the original documents? The blunt answer is the procedural requirements to change the documents are so cumbersome that it is simply not feasible with respect to the amount of effort it would entail, the time it would consume and the cost involved in such an effort.What to do? All the neighborhood associations and the community association need attentive boards made up of diligent and wise people who can discern the difference between what is essential to preserve our community and what might have been pursued during an earlier time as a serious violations of the rules and make appropriate policy changes when they are needed.